
Circular letter Subject​
Antigua and Barbuda CIRCULAR 2020-001 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Antigua and Barbuda CIRCULAR Local 2020-001(rev 1) Application of Survey/inspection procedures during Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Antigua and Barbuda Information Notice 2020-002(Rev.1) Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Guidance
Antigua and Barbuda Circular Letter No. 4338 Novel Coronavirus (2019-ncov) Contingency Measures
Argentina CL.4287 (1 May 2020) National measures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
Argentina CL. 4287/Add.1 (19 May 2020) National measures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
Argentina CL.4287/Add.2 (13 July 2020) National measures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.3 - 11 January 2021 Communication from the Government of the Argentine Republic
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.4 – 18 January 2021 Communication from the Government of the Argentine Republic
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.5 1 September 2021 Communication from the Government of the Argentine Republic
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.6 (27 October 2021) Communication from the Government of the Argentine Republic
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.7 5 January 2022 Communication from the Government of the Argentine Republic
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.8 (9 February 2022) Extension to the exceptional extensions already granted to national and international Certificates and Titles issued to the personnel of Argentina’s National Merchant Navy. In this regard, in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term of the extension provided for National and International Certificates and Degrees has been extended and new measures have been adopted, as detailed below
Argentina Circular Letter No.4287/Add.9 12 July 2022 Communication from the Government of the Argentine Republic
Australia Marine Notice 02/2020 - extension of validity of STCW certificates Extension of standards of training certificates and watch keeping (STCW) certificates
Azerbaijan CL.4223 (18 March 2020) Contingency plans for ships and Seafarers
Azerbaijan CL.4223/Add.1 (17 June 2020) Amendments to the adopted proceudres for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of COVID - 19 pandemic
Azerbaijan CL.4223/Add.2 (08 September 2020) Amendments to the adopted procedures for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of COVID-19 pandemic
Azerbaijan Circular Letter No.4223/Add.3 (9 December 2020) Amendments to the adopted procedures for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of COVID-19 pandemic
Azerbaijan Circular Letter No.4223/Add 4 11 March 2021 Amendments to the adopted procedures for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of COVID-19 pandemic
Azerbaijan Circular Letter No.4223/Add.6 (9 September 2021) Amendments to the adopted procedures for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of the Covid -19 Pandemic
Azerbaijan Circular Letter No.4223/Add 7 21 December 2021 Amendments to the adopted procedures for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of COVID-19 pandemic
Azerbaijan Circular Letter No.4223/Add.8 21 March 2022 Amendments to the adopted procedures for the mitigation of disruption to the delivery of essential services in the event of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bahamas CL.4225 (20 March 2020) Guidance and recommendations - seafarers, certificates, ship surveys, audits, inspections, seaman record book and employment
Bahamas Circular Letter No.4225/Add.1 - 2 February 2021 Measures to address COVID-19
Bahrain CL.4285 (30 April 2020) Extension of seafarers' certificates validity and extension of the surveys, audits and inspection windows
Bangladesh CL.4239 (27 March 2020) Information on certificates, MSMD, employment, surveys, audits and Port State Control Measures
Barbados CL.4250 (6 April 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Guidance relating to the certification of seafarers & General Guidance to Operators & Owners of Barbados registered ships
Belgium CL.4255 (7 April 2020) COVID-19 measures taken by Belgium
Belgium CL.4255/Add.1 (08 July 2020) Seafarers are key workers
Belgium Circular Letter No.4255/Add.2 29 July 2021 Belgium starts campaign to vaccinate foreign seafarers
Belgium Circular Letter No.4255/Add.3 14 December 2021 Belgium’s booster vaccination campaign for all seafarers
Belize CL.4306 (25 June 2020) Novel Coronavirus- Precautions to be taken to minimize risks to seafarers, passengers and others on board ships
Belize CL.4306/Add.1 (22 July 2020) BELIZE (IMMARBE) Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Temporary Measures
Belize CL.4306/Add.2 (01 October 2020) BELIZE (IMMARBE) Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Temporary Measures
Brazil CL.4266 (14 April 2020) Extension of validity of documents relating to personnel, ships and platforms
Brunei Darussalam CL.4291 (12 May 2020) Communication of measures undertaken in relation to COVID-19 virus
Bulgaria Statement from Executive Director of Bulgarian Maritime Administration Statement from Executive Director of Bulgarian Maritime Administration
Bulgaria Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures of the seafarers certificates of competency or certificates of proficiency issued by Bulgarian Maritime Administration resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
Bulgaria Circular Letter No.4463 (14 October 2021) Communication from the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria
Cabo Verde CL.4274 (23 April 2020) Cape Verde measures in relation to the Covid-19 outbreak
Canada CL.4226 (20 March 2020) Extending validity of certificates
Canada CL.4226/Add.1 (16 April 2020) Update on Canadian Measures to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
Canada Circular Letter No.4226/Add.2 - 20 January 2021 Maximum period of service on board and repatriating seafarers during COVID-19
Chile CL.4273 (21 April 2020) Safety of seafarers and the facilitation of sea trade
China CL.4221 (18 March 2020) Guidance for ships and seafarers
China CL.4221/Add.1 (2 April 2020) Updates to the guidance given in CL.4221
China CL.4221/Add.2 (21 April 2020) Notice on Extension of Duration of Related Certificates of Chinese Flagged Ships and Chinese Seafarers Engaged in International Voyages
China CL.4221/Add.3 (24 April 2020) Guidance on How to Handle and Offer Urgent Assistance to Seafarers in Case of Sickness during the pandemic of COVID-19
China CL.4221/Add.4 (27 April 2020) Guidance on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 for Ports and Its Front Line Staff
China CL.4221/Add.5 (30June 2020) Guidance on the prevention and control of COVID-19 on board (Version 3.0)
China Cl.4221/Add.6 (14 September 2020) Guidance on the prevention and control of COVID-19 on board (Version 4.0)
China Circular Letter No.4221/Add.7 Notice on Extension of Related Certificates of Chinese Flagged Ships Engaged in International Voyages
China CL.4221/Add.8 (10 February 2021) Guidance on the prevention and control of COVID-19 on Board (V5.0)
China Circular Letter No.4221/Add.9 (3 March 2021) Guidance on the prevention and Control of COVID-19 for ports and Its Front Line Staff (V5.0)
China Circular Letter No.4221/Add.10 (07 July 2021) Guidance on the prevention and control of COVID-19 on Board (V6.0)
China Circular Letter No.4221/Add.11 (16 September 2021) Guidance on the prevention and control of COVID-19 on board (Version 7.0)
Colombia CL.4275 (22 April 2020) Medidas de Colombia frente a situacion COVID-19
Comoros CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - Guidance relating to the Certification of Seafarers CORONAVIRUS (COVID -19) - Guidance relating to the certification of Seafarers
Comoros Technical Circular No: 92/2020 Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. 20/01855/COM on COVID19 - Guidance relating to the postponement /extension of statutory certification & services
Comoros 20/01855/COME3 Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Guidance relating to the postponement/extension of statutory certification & services
Comoros Circular Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance Relating to the Postponement/Extension of Statutory Certification & Services
Cook Islands CL.4263 (14 April 2020) Cook Islands measures in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak
Croatia CL.4241 (30 March 2020) Extension of seafarer's personal documents and employment guidelines
Croatia CL. 4241/Add.2 (27 May 2020) Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Croatia Circular Letter No.4241/Add.5 - 4 February 2021 Designation of seafarers as key workers
Croatia Circular Letter No.4241/Add.6 8 March 2021 Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
Cuba CL.4249 (2 April 2020) Guidelines for seafarer's certificates of competency (CoC) or certificates of proficiency (CoP)
Cuba CL.4249/Add.1 (13 July 2020) Extension of the validity of instruction no. 11-2020
Cuba Circular Letter No.4249/Add.2 - 9 February 2021 Temporary extension
Cuba Circular Letter No.4249/Add.3 (15 October 2021) Temporary extension of degrees, certificates of competence, endorsements and medical certificates
Cuba Circular Letter No.4249/Add.4 (7 February 2022) Temporary extension of degrees, certificates of competence, endorsement and medical certificates
Cuba Circular Letter No.4249/Add.4 (7 February 2022) Temporary extension of degrees, certificates of competence, endorsement and medical certificates
Cuba Circular Letter No.4249/Add.5 25 October 2022 Temporary extension of degrees,, certificates of competence, endorsement and medical certificates
Cyprus CL.4251 (3 April 2020) Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the Covid-19 outbreak
Cyprus CL.4251/Add.1 (22 June 2020) Revised procedure for facilitating crew changes within the framework of the gradual relaxation of the Restrictive Measures applicable during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cyprus Circular Letter No.4251/Add.2 - 26 January 2021 Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the Covid-19
Cyprus Circular Letter No.4251/Add.3 6 August 2021 Vaccines against the COVID-19 virus
Czech Republic CL.4290 (11 May 2020) Measures taken by the Maritime Administration of the Czech Republic to mitigate effects of COVID-19 on seafarers' employment
Ecuador CL.No.4267 (16 April 2020) Prorroga de tiempo de caducidad de matricula y certificado medico (certificate extension)
Ecuador CL.4267/Add.1 (06 August 2020) General protocol bio security measures -COVID 19
Egypt CL.4240 (27 March 2020) Extension of certificates
Egypt CL.4240/Add.1 (31 July 2020) Measures taken by Arab republic of Egypt to extend the validity of certificates during COVID-19
Egypt CL.4240/Add.2 (02 September 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Measures taken by the Egyptian Ministry of Health on preventive quarantine measures to combat Coronavirus in relation with crew changing and repatriation in the Egyptian ports
Egypt CL.4320 (07 September 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19)- Accelerating digitalization of maritime trade and logistics - A call to action
Egypt CL.4240/Add.3 (15 October 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Measures taken by the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation to eliminate obstacles to crew changes.
Egypt Circular Letter No. 4240/Add.4 - 4 January 2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update of measures taken by the Egyptian Ministry of health
Egypt Circular Letter No.4240/Add.5 - 6 January 2021 Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Designation of Seafarers as key workers by the Arab Republic of Egypt
Egypt Circular Letter No. 4240/Add.6 (1 July 2021) Coronavirus (COVID-19) - New update of measures taken by the Egyptian Ministry of health in relation to passengers and crews arriving to the Egyptian ports
Estonia CL.4272 (21 April 2020) Impact of the emergency situation on the maritime sector
Estonia CL.4272/Add.1 (2 June 2020) Operation of the maritime sector after conclusion of the emergency situation
Estonia Circular Letter No.4272 Add.2 9 March 2021 Operation of the maritime sector in Estonia during the pandemic of COVID-19 in 2021
Ethiopia CL.4235 (26 March 2020) Temporary extension of certificates, seafarer books, inspections and information on port state control
Ethiopia CL.4235/Add.4 (21 August 2020) Extension of certificates and seafarers books due to COVID-19
Ethiopia Circular Letter No.4235/Add.7 15 March 2021 Extension of Certificate and Seafarers Books Validity due to COVID-19
Fiji Circular Letter No.4385 (16 February 2021) Temporary extension of certificates of competency for fjian seafarers
Fiji Circular Letter No.4385/Add 1 (11 February 2022) Extension of the validity of STCW certificates, STCW short courses and medical certificates
Finland CL.4260 (9 April 2020) Extension of the validity of maritime personnel certificates during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Finland CL.4260/Add.1 (16 June 2020) Extension of the validity of maritime personnel certificates during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Finland Circular Letter No.4260/Add.2 - 4 February 2021 Extension of the validity of endorsements during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, designation of seafarers as key workers and Finlands National Focal point on crew change and Repatriation of Seafarers
Finland Circular Letter No.4260/Add.3 (27 July 2021) Extension of the validity of certificates of competency, certificates of proficiency and endorsement during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
France CL.4234 (26 March 2020) Extension of Certificates and guidelines for seafarers
France CL.4234/Add.1 (17 April 2020) COVID-19 - Maritime Navigation
France CL.4234/Add.2 (30 April 2020) Updated information note "COVID 19- Maritime Navigation"
France CL. 4234/Add.3 (08 July 2020) Communication from the Government of the French Republic
France CL.4234/Add.5 (03 September 2020) Emergency response Covid-19
France Circular Letter No.4234/Add.7 - 11 January 2021 Emergency measures on COVID-19
France Circular Letter No.4234/Add.8 (18 February 2021) Emergency response Covid-19
France Circular Letter No.4234/Add.9 25 May 2021 Emergency response Covid-19
France Circular Letter No.4234/Add.10 2 June 2021 Measures for the vaccination taken for the people of sea
France Circular Letter No.4234/Add.11 2 July 2021 Emergency response Covid-19 - extending the validity of STCW-F certificates, documentary evidences for seafarers and marine medical certificates for seafarers during the state of health emergency aimed at curbing the spread of Covid-19 virus.
Gabon CL. 4293 (20 May 2020) Recommended Framework of Protocols for Ensuring Safe Ship Crew Changes and Travel during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
Georgia CL.4232 (24 March 2020) Extension of validity of STCW Certificates
Georgia CL.4232/Add.1 (17 April 2020) On certain measures to be taken in the Georgian seafarers' certification and training system in connection of the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19
Georgia CL.4232/Add.4 (15 June 2020) Recent decision to allow crew changes in the ports of Georgia both for Georgians and seafarers of different nationalities
Georgia Circular Letter No.4232/Add.14 20 December 2021 additional steps taken in its seafarers’ certification system to cope with the negative consequences of the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus COVID-19.
Germany CL.4235 (26 March 2020) Measures regarding the issuance and renewal of shipping and seafarer related regulations
Germany CL.4235/Add.2 (22 April 2020) Additional comments on German measures concerning COVID-19
Germany CL.4235/Add.3 (25 June 2020) Update on German measures concerning COVID-19
Germany CL.4235/Add.5 (01 October 2020) Update on German measures concerning COVID-19
Germany Circular Letter No.4235/Add.6 - 22 December 2020 Current measures of the German flag as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic
Germany Circular Letter No.4235/Add.8 12 November 2021 Update on German measures concerning COVID-19
Ghana CL.4257 (7 April 2020) Extension of the validity of seafarer certificates issued under the provisions of the International Convention for the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping 1978 as Amended (STCW)/Maritime Labour Convention 2006 as Amended - Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Greece CL.4241 (30 March 2020) Guidelines for certificates, seafarer books, port state control and inspections
Greece CL.4241/Add.1 (3 April 2020) Extension of Inspections, audits, certificates and surveys
Greece CL. 4241/Add.3 (07 July 2020) Covid-19 - update of the measures taken by the Hellenic maritime administration with a view to facilitate and progressively restore maritime transport services and connectivity
Greece Circular Letter No.4241/Add.7 (31 March 2021) Update on Seafarers' Certification related measures taken by the Hellenic Maritime Administration as a result of Covid-19
Greece CL.4241/Add.8 (12 October 2021) Update on Seafarers' Certification related measures taken by the Hellenic Maritime Administration as a result of Covid-19
Greece CL.4241/Add.9 (30 November 2021) Update on Seafarers' Certification related measures taken by the Hellenic Maritime Administration as a result of Covid-19
Greece Circular Letter No.4241/Add.10 24 June 2022 Update of seafarers certification related measures taken by the hellenic maritime administration as a result of COVID-19
Hong Kong, China CL.4250 (6 April 2020) Special Arrangements by the Hong Kong Marine Department under COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
Iceland CL. 4295 (22 May 2020) Ireland's measures in response to the novel corona virus COVID-19 pandemic
India CL.4254 (7 April 2020) Regarding Extension to the validity of seafarers' CoC and statutory certificate, periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of Covid 19 outbreak
India CL.4254/Add.1 (22 April 2020) Regarding Extension to the validity of Seafarers' CoC and Statutory Certificates, periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID 19 outbreak
India CL.4254/Add.2 (30 April 2020) Measures adopted by the Indian Maritime Administration in relation to COVID-19
India CL.4254/Add.3 (22 May 2020) (DG Shipping Order No. 13 of 2020) Extension to the validity of Seafarer's Certificates and Ship's Statutory Certificates, periodical Surveys & Audits in view of COVID-I9 pandemic
India DG Shipping Order No. 15 of 2020 (IR Class Circular) DGS, Order No. 15 of 2020 Reg. Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak.
India DG Shipping Order No. 16 of 2020 (IR Class Circular) DGS Order No. 16 of 2020 Re-validation of Seafarers Certificates of Competency (CoC) / Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) - reg.
India DGS Order No. 17 of 2020 Extension to validity of seafarer's Certificate and ship's Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys & Audits in view of COVID-19 Pandemic.
India CL.4254/Add.4 (13 July 2020) Standard Operating Procedures, DGS order no. 16 and 17
India Circular Letter No.4254/Add.5 Extension of certificate of competency and certificate of proficiency
Indonesia CL.No.4268 (16 April 2020) Contingency plan for seafarers and ship owners/operators - Extension of certificates
Indonesia CL.4268/Add.1 (04 August 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Extension of Contingency Plan for Seafarers and Ship Owners / Operators: Guidance relating to the certification of seafarers
Indonesia Circular Letter No.4268/Add.2 - 5 January 2021 Request to disseminate information regarding adopted measures for implementation of crew changes and repatriation including port services during corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.
Indonesia Circular Letter No.4268/Add.4 (9 November 2021) Guidance for cross border travelers through sea transportation modes during the corona virus disease 2019
Indonesia Circular Letter No.4268/Add.5 13 January 2022 Extension of guidelines for contingency plan for seafarers, ship owners/operators and maritime education and training institute due to COVID-19
Iran CL.4216 (11 March 2020) Extension of surveys, inspections and certifications
Iran CL.4216/Add.1 (12 May 2020) Extension of Seafarers' Certificates
Iran CL. 4216/Add.2 (1 June 2020) Measures to Address Covid-19
Iran CL.4216/Add.3 (03 August 2020) Procedure for extending or endorsing certificates or postponing statutory surveys for vessels operating under the flag of the Islamic republic of Iran
Iran CL.4216/Add.4 (01 October 2020) Procedure for Extending or Endorsing Certificates or Postponing Statutory Surveys for Vessels Operating under the Flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iran Circular Letter No.4216/Add.5 18 March 2021 Extension of Seafarers' certificates
Iran Circular Letter No.4216/Add.6 14 September 2021 Extension of Seafarers certificates
Iran Circular Letter No.4216/Add.6 (14 September 2021) Extension of Seafarer's certificates
Ireland CL.4233 (25 March 2020) Temporary processes and procedures for seafarers, guidance on surveys/certification and ship inspections
Ireland CL.4233/Add.1 (14 July 2020) Temporary Contingency Planning for Certification of Seafarers - COVID-19
Ireland Circular Letter No.4233/Add.2 22 April 2021 COVID – 19 Maritime Transport Supply Chain
Israel Circular Letter No.4505 (2 February 2022) Urgent provisional measures for the Operation During the COVID 19
Italy CL.4231 (24 March 2020) Information on seafarer's training courses and certificates
Italy CL.4231/Add.1 (2 April 2020) Measures to Address Covid-19
Italy CL.4231/Add.2 (17 April 2020) Measures arising from the covid-19 emergency regarding certificates relating to the international conventions
Italy CL.4231/Add.4 (28 April 2020) Renewal of endorsements of certificates of competency (CoC's) for foreign seafarers
Italy CL. 4231/Add.6 (15 May 2020) Measures to address COVID-19
Italy CL. 4231/Add.7 (1 June 2020) Covid-19 emergency - Extension of Medical First Aid and Medical Care certificates and medical examination certificates.
Italy CL.4231/Add.8 (21 July 2020) Measures to address COVID-19
Italy CL.4231/Add.9 (10 August 2020) Measures to Address Covid-19
Italy CL.4231/Add.10 (21 August 2020) Measures to address COVID-19
Italy CL.4231/Add.11 (02 September 2020) Measures to Address Covid-19
Italy CL.4231/Add.12 (07 September 2020) Measures arising from the covid-19 emergency regarding certificates relating to the international conventions (MARPOL 73/78, Ballast Water Management Convention, Antifouling Systems Convention).
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.13 - 4 January 2021 Measures to Address Covid-19
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.14 - 4 January 2021 COVID 19 Pandemic - Extension of validity of Certificates of Competence and endorsement certificates
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.15 - 12 January 2021 Measures to Address Covid-19
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.16 - 26 January 2021 Measures to Address Covid-19
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.17 - 27 January 2021 Measures to Address Covid-19.
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.20 8 April 2021 Measures to Address Covid-19.
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.21 14 May 2021 Measures to address Covid-19 vaccination for Seafarers
Italy Circular Letter No.4231/Add.22 10 August 2021 Measures to Address Covid-19 – last term to the extension of the two-year seafarer medical examinations - 1st October 2021
Jamaica CL.4264 (14 April 2020) Validity of Jamaican certificates consequent to COVID 19 pandemic
Jamaica CL. 4264/Add.1 (13 July 2020) Measures to facilitate continued operation of ships during coronavirus (covid-19)
Japan CL.4262 (14 April 2020) Coronavirus and Seafarers' certificates
Jordan CL.4235 (26 March 2020) Certification of seafarers
Jordan CL.4235/Add.1 (21 April 2020) Actions taken by Jordan Maritime Commission For prevention of COVID-19
Kenya CL.4286 (30 April 2020) Government of Kenya measures in respect of disruptions caused by COVID-19 for the maritime industry
Kenya CL.4286/Add.1 (20 July 2020) Measures to authorize and facilitate crew change in Kenya
Kiribati CL. 4299 (1 June 2020) Kiribati measures in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak
Kiribati CL.4299/Add.1 (27 August 2020) Government of Kiribati recognizing Seafarers as Key Workers
Kiribati CL.4299/Add.2 (9 October 2020) Extension of STCW '78 (as amended), STCW-95 and Medical Fitness Certificates due to COVID-19
Kiribati Circular Letter No.4299/Add.3 - 14 January 2021 Extension of Kiribati Border Closure until end of February 2021 & validity of Kiribati Seafarers Certificates to remain until 01st April 2021
Kiribati Circular Letter No.4299/Add.4 7 April 2021 Extension of Kiribati Border Closure until end June 2021 due to COVID19 & Validity of Kiribati Issued STCW ’78 (as amended), STCW – 95 and Medical Fitness Certificates extended to 31st Dec 2021
Korea, Republic of CL.4259 (9 April 2020) COVID-19 measures & suggestions for preventing international trade disruptions
Kuwait CL.4270 (17 April 2020) Measures taken by the State of Kuwait in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak on seafarers & ships Certifications
Latvia CL.4280 (27 April 2020) Measures to the maritime sector due to the impact of COVID-19
Latvia CL.4280/Add.1 (25 June 2020) Maritime Sector in Latvia after lifting of emergency situation (COVID-19)
Lebanon CL.4276 (23 April 2020) Contingency measures taken by Lebanese Maritime Administration concerning COVID-19 for Extension of Ships' and Seafarers' Certificates
Liberia CL.4270 (17 April 2020) Guidance for Seafarers and Shipowners due to COVID-19
Libya Circular letter No.4380 - 9 February 2021 Measures adopted by (LMA) to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19
Libya Circular Letter No.4380/Add.1 8 April 2021 Updating the measures adopted by (LMA) to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19
Libya Circular Letter No.4380/Add.2 15 November 2021 Updating the measures adopted by (LMA) to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19
Libya Circular Letter No.4380/Add.3 10 January 2022 Further extension of the (STCW) certificates and associated endoresements
Lithuania CL.4279 (27 April 2020) Measures taken by Lithuania concerning COVID-19
Madagascar CL.4318 (18 August 2020) Measures for COVID-19
Maldives CL.4256 (8 April 2020) Extension of expiry dates of CoC and trading Certificates issued to Maldives Flag Vessels for Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
Maldives Circular Letter No.4256/Add.1 (1 February 2022) Communication from the Government of the Republic of Maldives
Marshall Islands CL.4233 (25 March 2020) Policies, guidance and important information regarding COVID-19
Mauritius Technical Circular No: 91/2020 Mauritius Merchant Shipping Notice, MSN-18/2020 Reg. Vessels and Seafarer's certificates during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mexico CL.4304 (11 June 2020) Communication from the Government of the United Mexican States
Mexico CL.4304/Add.1 (19 June 2020) Measures implemented by Mexican Authorities against COVID-19 Pandemic, in terms of maritime transportation
Mexico Circular Letter No.4304/Add.2 24 December 2021 Communication from the Government of Mexico
Mexico Circular Letter No.4304/Add.3 (25 January 2022) Extension of the validity and legal effects of the documents issued by the national maritime Authority
Moldova CL.4252 (3 April 2020) Measures taken by the Naval Agency of Republic of Moldova in the context of coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak
Moldova CL.4252/Add.1 (9 April 2020) Measures taken by the Naval Agency of Republic of Moldova in the context of coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak
Montenegro CL.4244 (31 March 2020) Extension of maritime documents and employment contracts
Montenegro CL.4244/Add.1 (05 October 2020) Communication from the Government of Montenegro
Montenegro Circular Letter No.4244/Add.3 19 April 2021 Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Montenegro Circular Letter No.4244/Add.4 10 August 2021 Communication from the Government of Montenegro
Morocco CL.4277 (22 April 2020) Measures taken by Morocco with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak
Myanmar CL.4246 (2 April 2020) Extension of STCW and medical certificates for seafarers
Myanmar CL.4246/Add.2 (17 April 2020) Extending the validity of the certificates to the Myanmar registered vessels trading in international voyage due to the outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Myanmar CL.4246/Add.4 (19 August 2020) Communication of Marine Instruction (2/2020) about extending the validity of the certificates to the Myanmar registered vessels trading in international voyages during the COVID-19 pandemic
Myanmar CL.4246/Add.5 (03 September 2020) Marine Guidance for Extension of Seafarer Employment Agreement during the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.6 Extension of the validity of the certificates of Myanmar registered vessels trading international voyages during the COWD-l9 Pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.7 (3 March 2021) Extension of the validity of the certificates of Myanmar registered vessels trading international voyages during the COWD-l9 Pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.8 - 25 August 2021 Further Extension of validity of the STCW Certificates of Myanmar seafarers serving onboard during the COVID-19 pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.10 9 December 2021 Further extension of the validity of the certificates of Myanmar registered vessels trading in international voyages and near coastal voyages during the COVID-19 pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.11 10 March 2022 Further extension of the validity of the certification of Myanmar seafarers serving onboard during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.12 10 June 2022 Further extension of the validity of the certificates of Myanmar seafarers serving onboard during the COVID-19 pandemic
Myanmar Circular Letter No.4246/Add.13 30 August 2022 Further Extension of validity of the STCW Certificates of Myanmar seafarers serving onboard during the COVID-19 pandemic
Netherlands CL.4228 (23 March 2020) Contingency plans for ships and fish trawlers
Netherlands CL.4228/Add.1 (8 April 2020) Coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak
Netherlands CL.4228/Add.2 (12 June 2020) Procedures for Shipping Community icw COVID 19 (2)
Netherlands CL.4228/Add.3 (18 June 2020) Procedures for shipping Community icw COVID-19 (4)
New Zealand CL.4248 (2 April 2020) Extending the validity of New Zealand Seafarer Certificates
New Zealand CL.4248/Add.1 (6 April 2020) 'Temporary' formats for New Zealand STCW and STCW-F certificates
New Zealand CL.4248/Add.6 (01 September 2020) Extending the Validity of New Zealand Seafarer Ancillary Certificates
New Zealand CL.4248/Add.8 (28 September 2020) New Zealand Strategy to COVID-19
Nigeria CL.4271 (16 April 2020) Extension of validity of Statutory and Trading certificates for all Nigerian Registered vessels including STCW certificates issued by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency and Crew change during COVID-19.
Nigeria CL. 4271/Add.1 (14 May 2020) Declaration to keep Nigerian ports open and operational amid COVID - 19 pandemic
Nigeria CL.4271/Add.2 (22 July 2020) Communication from Nigeria on extension of validity of some statuary and trading certificates amid COVID-19 pandemic
Norway CL.4231 (24 March 2020) Extension of certificates and vessel instructions
Norway CL.4231/Add.3 (23 April 2020) Extending the validity of all trading certificates and vessel instructions expiring in 2020 for Norwegian-flagged ships
Norway CL. 4231/Add.5 (14 May 2020) Information on principles for change of crew in Norwegian ports
Norway Circular Letter No.4231/Add.18 (5 March 2021) Guidelines for crew changes in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic
Oman CL.4239 (27 March 2020) Extension of certificates and seafarer's documents
Oman CL.4239/Add.1 (4 May 2020) General instructions in respect of shipping and port operations
Panama CL.4230 (24 March 2020) Employment agreement and certificates
Panama CL.4230/Add.1 (3 April 2020) Updates to the guidance given in CL.4230
Panama CL.4230/Add.2 (3 April 2020) Guidelines for postponement/extension of statutory certification and service requests
Panama CL.4230/Add.3 (27 April 2020) Implementation of new digital services
Panama CL. 4230/Add.4 (18 May 2020) Statement in support of the recommended framework of Protocols for ensuring safe ship crew changes and travel during the covid-19 pandemic
Panama CL.4230/Add.6 (03 June 2020) Medida temporal de extension del cumplimiento con las siguientes reglas del Anexo VI del Convenio MARPOL
Panama CL. 4230/Add.7 (04 June 2020) Medidas adoptadas en virtud de COVID-19
Panama CL.4230/Add.8 (18 June 2020) Communication from the Government of the Republic of Panama
Panama CL.4230/Add.8/Rev.1 (25 June 2020) Communication from the Government of the Republic of Panama
Panama CL.4230/Add.8/Rev.2 (25 June 2020) Communication from the Government of the Republic of Panama
Panama CL.4230/Add.9 (30 June 2020) Panama safeguards to seafarers' rights during this world health crisis
Panama CL.4230/Add.10 (17 July 2020) Communication from the Government of the Republic of Panama
Panama CL.4230/Add.11 (20 July 2020) Format of Information available to IMO Member States related to COVID-19 and crew changes.
Panama CL.4230/Add.12 (21 September 2020) Coronavirus and Seafarers employment agreement and Certificates
Panama CL.4230/Add.13 (21 September 2020) Actions taken by the AMP for Seafarers during COVID-19
Panama Circular Letter No.4230/Add.14 (25 February 2021) Coronavirus and Seafarers' employment agreements and certificates
Panama Circular Letter No.4230/Add.15 15 March 202 Panama Maritime Authority campaign against COVID-19
Peru CL. 4296 (27 May 2020) Measures in response to COVID-19 pandemic
Peru Circular Letter No.4296/Add.1 1 December 2021 Communication from the Government of the Republic of Peru
Philippines CL.4237 (25 March 2020) Extension of STCW certificates for seafarers
Philippines CL.4237/Add.1 (16 April 2020) Further extension of validity of STCW certificates of Filipino seafarers currently onboard seagoing ships amid challenges caused by COVID-19
Philippines CL.4237/Add.2 (27 April 2020) Advisory on postponement/extension of statutory ship certificates and services
Philippines CL.4237/Add.7 (30 June 2020) Extension of passport validity
Philippines CL.4237/Add.8 (2 July 2020) Addendum to marina advisory No. 2020-23 on the extension of validity of STCW certificates
Philippines CL.4237/Add.10 (24 July 2020) Guidelines for the Establishment of the Philippine Green Lane to Facilitate the Speedy and Safe Travel of Seafarers, Including their Safe and Swift Disembarkation, and Crew Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Philippines CL.4237/Add.11 (22 September 2020) Recognition of the Philippines issuance of Seafarers’ Identity Document (SID) and the newly enhanced Seafarers’ Record book (SRB) formerly Seafarers Identification and record Book (SIRB)
Philippines CL.4237/Add.13 (20 October 2020) Extension and Revalidation of STCW Certificates as a temporary contingency measure amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Philippines Circular Letter No.4237/Add.16 (18 November 2020) 1. Guidance concerning Filipino seafarers onboard vessels affected by restrictions in connection with the 2019-ncov outbreak
2. Guiding Principles (Step-based Approach) Developed by International Association of Classification Societies (lACS) regarding Surveys and Renewals of Certificates during the COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Joint Circular No. 01 - Guidelines for the Establishment of the Philippines Green Lane To Facilitate the Speedy and Safe Travels of Seafarers, Including their Safe and Swift Disembarkation, and Crew Change During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Philippines Circular Letter No.4237/Add.17 - 22 December 2020 Further extension of the revalidation period for STCW certificates as a temporary contingency measure amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Philippines Circular Letter No.4237/Add.23 (9 September 2021) Communication from the Government of the Republic of the Philippines
Philippines Circular Letter No.4237/Add.26 10 January 2022 Further extension of the validity of STCW certificates
Philippines Circular Letter No.4237/Add.28 13 May 2022 Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory No. 2021-32 Extending the Coverage of Extension of Validity of Expiring SIRB for Filipino Seafarers Currently Onboard Ships Operating Overseas
Philippines Circular Letter No.4237/Add.28 13 May 2022 Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory No. 2021-32 Extending the Coverage of Extension of Validity of Expiring SIRB for Filipino Seafarers Currently Onboard Ships Operating Overseas
Poland CL.4232 (24 March 2020) Certificates
Poland C/ES.32/5/Communication 32nd extraordinary session of the council - comments on Agenda item 5
Poland CL.4232/Add.5 (27 August 2020) Guidelines on extending the validity of seafarers maritime documents in the period of COVID-19 pandemic state
Poland Circular Letter No.4232/Add.7 (8 December 2020) Guidelines on extending the validity of seafarers’ maritime documents in the period of COVID-19 pandemic state.
Poland Circular Letter No.4232/Add.17 8 August 2022 Guidelines on extending the validity of seafarers’ maritime documents in the period of COVID-19 emergency state
Qatar CL.4249 (2 April 2020) Contingency plans to mitigate disruption to delivered services
Romania CL.4234 (26 March 2020) Extension of certificates
Romania CL.4234/Add.4 (14 July 2020) Measures regarding extension of validity of documents
Romania Circular Letter No.4234/Add.6 - 5 January 2021 Extension of documents validity for seafarers which are on board of vessels.
Romania Circular Letter No.4234/Add.14 10 January 2022 Extension of documents validity for seafarers which are on board of vessels
Russian Federation CL.4237 (25 March 2020) Measures and guidelines relating to statutory certificates, certificates of seafarers and seafarer's employment agreements
Russian Federation CL. 4237/Add.5 (20 May 2020) Additional urgent measures taken due to the pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19
Russian Federation CL.4237/Add.6 (12 June 2020) Information Letter
Russian Federation CL.4237/Add.9 (13 July 2020) Clarification of additional urgent measures taken due to the pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19 - Information letter
Russian Federation CL.4237/Add.12 (05 October 2020) Extension of urgent measures taken due to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19.
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.18 - 14 January 2021 Information on additional urgent measures taken due to pandemic outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.19 19 March 2021 additional urgent measures taken due to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19.
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.20 21 May 2021 Russian Federation recognizes the key role of seafarers under the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.20 21 May 2021 Russian Federation recognizes the key role of seafarers under the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.24 (17 September 2021) Additional urgent measures taken due to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.25 16 December 2021 On extension of urgent measures taken due to the pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.27 23 March 2022 Extension of Seafarer's certification and documents
Russian Federation Circular Letter No.4237/Add.29 10 June 2022 Extension of seafarer's certificates and documents
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL.4248 (2 April 2020) Guidance and recommendations - seafarers, certificates, ship surveys, audits, inspections, seaman record book and employment
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL. 4248/Add.2 (18 May 2020) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL.4248/Add.3 (30 June 2020) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL.4248/Add.4 (17 July 2020) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL.4248/Add.5 (18 August 2020) COVID-19 Contingency measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL.4248/Add.7 (22 September 2020) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines CL.4248/Add.9 (20 October 2020) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Circular Letter No.4248/Add.11 19 April 2021 COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Circular Letter No.4248/Add.12 (19 July 2021) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Circular Letter No.4248/Add.13 (28 September 2021) COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Circular Letter No.4248/Add.14 20 December 2021 COVID-19 Contingency Measures
Samoa CL.4239 (27 March 2020) Certificates of competency
Samoa Circular Letter No.4239/Add.2 (2 July 2021) Temporary Extension of Certificates of Competency and Certificates of Proficiencies for Samoan Seafarers
Saudi Arabia CL.4243 (31 March 2020) Special guidelines for issuing certificates and seafarer maritime documents
Saudi Arabia Circular Letter No.4243/Add.1 - 8 February 2021 Further Extension of Seafarers Certificates
Saudi Arabia Circular Letter No.4243/Add.2 25 November 2021 Saudi Arabia launched a vaccination campaign for seafarers working on board ships
Singapore SHIPPING CIRCULAR NO. 6 OF 2020 Shipping Circular No. 6 of 2020 by Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
Singapore Shipping Circular No. 3 of 2020 Shipping Circular No. 3 of 2020 by Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
Singapore Circular Letter No.4383 (11 February 2021) Vaccination for key maritime personnel-Singapore's experiences
Singapore Circular Letter No.4383/Add.1 22 November 2021 Update of singapore's efforts on crew change and vaccination of seafarers
Slovenia Circular Letter No.4396/Add.1 22 June 2021 Communication from the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
South Africa CL.4285 (30 April 2020) Validity of South African certificates during COVID-19 period
South Africa CL.4285/Add.1 (3 July 2020) Guidelines for Seafarers and Vessel Certification
Spain CL.4247 (3 April 2020) Certificates (medical, CoC, CoP, training etc)
Spain CL.4247/Add.1 (17 April 2020) Measures to minimize the effects of the occurred sanitary crisis of COVID-19 in the field of the merchant marine
Spain CL.4247/Add.2 (1 May 2020) Measures to allow seafarers to cross the borders and transit through Spanish territory, in order to ensure the provision of maritime transport services and fishing activity during the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19
Spain CL.4247/Add.3 (11 May 2020) Measures to minimize the effects of the occurred sanitary crisis of COVID - 19 in the field of the merchant marine
Spain CL.4247/Add.4 (10 June 2020) Measures to minimize the effects of the occurred sanitary crisis of COVID 19 in the field of the merchant marine
Sri Lanka CL.4237 (25 March 2020) Guidance relating to certificates and contract of employment of Seafarers
Sri Lanka CL.4237/Add.3 (28 April 2020) General information on further measures adopted by the Government of Sri Lanka due to COVID-19 pandemic
Sri Lanka CL. 4237/Add.4 (18 May 2020) MSN 04/2020-Amendment to the MSN02/2020-Revised
Sri Lanka CL.4237/Add.14 (23 October 2020) General information on further steps adopted by the Government of Sri Lanka in order to extend the certificates of seafarers in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
Sri Lanka Circular Letter No.4237/Add.15 Revised General information adopted by the Government of Sri Lanka in order to extend and revalidation of certificates of seafarers in the view of ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic
Sweden CL.4245 (1 April 2020) Extension of surveys, inspections and certifications
Sweden CL.4245/Add.2 (2 July 2020) Measures to mitigate disruption to the maritime sector caused by the worldwide coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)
Sweden CL.4245/Add.3 (02 September 2020) Swedish measures due to the impact of COVID - 19
Sweden Circular Letter No.4245/Add.6 - 22 December 2020 Swedish measures due to the impact of Covid-19
Sweden Circular Letter No.4245/Add.8 - 8 February 2021 Notification by Sweden - new regulations concerning entry restrictions to Sweden due to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic (COVID19)
Sweden Circular Letter No.4245/Add.9 8 March 2021 Swedish measures due to the impact of Covid19
Switzerland CL.4305 (17 June 2020) Measures adopted by the Swiss Maritime Administration in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tanzania CL.4288 (11 May 2020) Coronavirus (COVID -19) guidance relating to documentation and certification of seafarers
Tanzania Circular Letter No.4288/Add.1 2 August 2021 Amendments to the merchant shipping notice (MSN 2420) on extension of validity of certificates for Seafarers working on board ships at international Seas
Thailand CL.4258 (8 April 2020) Extension of statutory supervision and issuance/endorsement of certificates due to COVID-19 for international voyage vessels flying Thai Flag
Togo CL. 0039C/TG/03/20 Extension of validity of the ships certificates and seafarers due to the COVID-19 problem (0039C/TG/03/20)
Turkey CL.4245 (1 April 2020) Extension of Certificates
Turkey CL.4245/Add.1 (24 June 2020) COVID - 19 - Further Extension of certificates of Seafarers
Turkey CL.4245/Add.4 (16 September 2020) COVID-19 – Further Extension of certificates of Seafarers
Turkey Circular Letter No.4245/Add.5 - 21 December 2020 COVID-19 Further Extension of Certificates of Seafarers.
Turkey Circular Letter No.4245/Add 7 - 4 January 2021 Crew change during pandemic restrictions
Turkey Circular Letter No.4245/Add.10 18 March 2021 COVID-19 Further Extension of Certificates of Seafarers
Turkey Circular Letter No.4245/Add.11 29 June 2021 Covid-19 - Further Extension of certificates of Seafarers
Turkey Circular Letter No.4493 16 December 2021 Communication from the Government of the Republic of Turkey
Tuvalu CL.4268 (16 April 2020) Extension of seafarers' employment agreement service period and certificates of endorsement
Uganda CL.4278 (27 April 2020) COVID-19 measures taken by the Republic of Uganda
Ukraine CL.4232 (24 March 2020) Extension of STCW certificates and employment contracts for seafarers
Ukraine CL.4232/Add.2 (21 April 2020) Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine with respect to COVID-19 combating
Ukraine CL.4232/Add.3 (01 June 2020) Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine with respect to COVID-19 combating
Ukraine CL.4232/Add.6 (23 September 2020) Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine with respect to COVID-19 combating
Ukraine Circular Letter No.4232/Add.8 (10 December 2020) MEASURES ADOPTED AND ENFORCED ВУ UKRAINE in response ТО COVID-19
Ukraine Circular Letter No.4232/Add.10 23 June 2021 Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine in response to Covid-19
Ukraine Circular Letter No.4232/Add.12 17 August 2021 Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine in response to COVID-19
Ukraine Circular Letter No.4232/Add.13 31 August 2021 Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine in response to COVID-19
Ukraine Circular Letter No.4232/Add.15 31 January 2022 Measures adopted and enforced by Ukraine in response to COVID-19
United Arab Emirates CL.4242 (31 March 2020) Horns of hope
United Arab Emirates C/ES.32/4/4 Proposals for the facilitation of shipping during the covid-19 pandemic
United Arab Emirates CL.4253/Add.1 (03 August 2020) Adopting the Protocol of resuming UAE Maritime activities with safety measures and the crew changes in UAE Ports and Waters.
United Kingdom CL.4236 (26 March 2020) Seafarer welfare, transit and transfer information
United Kingdom CL.4236/Add.1 (24 June 2020) Measures to enable holders of UK Seafarer Certification to continue to work and support international trade
United States CL.4281 (27 April 2020) Guidance and recommendations to assist ship owners and operators, mariners and port facilities
United States Circular Letter No.4386 16 February 2021 Communication from the Government of the United States of America
United States Circular Letter No.4386 (16 February 2021) Communication from the Government of the United States of America
Vanuatu CL.4283 (29 April 2020) Vanuatu's measures in relation to COVID-19
Vanuatu CL.4283/Add.1 (30 June 2020) Vanuatu's measures in relation to COVID-19- Seafarers Employment Agreement (SEA)
Vanuatu CL.4283/Add.2 (05 October 2020) Vanuatu's measures in relation to COVID-19 – Seafarers Employment Agreement (SEA) / Extension of Merchant Mariner Credential Endorsements and Medical Certificates
Vanuatu Circular Letter No.4283/Add.3 - 5 January 2021 Vanuatu’s measures in relation to COVID-19
Vanuatu Circular Letter No.4283/Add.4 (13 July 2021) Vanuatu’s measures in relation to COVID-19
Vanuatu Circular Letter No.4283/Add.5 (27 January 2022) Vanuatu’s measures in relation to COVID-19
Venezuela CL.4301 (01 June 2020) Communication from the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Venezuela CL.4302 (03 June 2020) Communication from the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Venezuela Circular Letter No.4301/Add.1 8 April 2021 Communication from the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Viet Nam CL.4246 (2 April 2020) Seafarer certificates
Viet Nam CL.4246/Add.1 (9 April 2020) The extension of the ship's existing statutory certificates and the extension or postponement of the surveys, audits or inspections for Vietnamese flagged ships in situations of force majeure due to COVID-19 pandemic
Viet Nam CL.4246/Add.3 (18 August 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Vietnam's situational solution relates to seafarers certification practice
Yemen CL.4325 (15 September 2020) Facilitating ship and aircraft crews changes

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